Soft Cou

Soft Cou's music was born as a mean of transforming poetry to sound, matching the vulnerability of her writing with production that could feel just as intimate. Once she stroke this elusive balance, tones and words would naturally belong to each other: a match made in limbo, mirroring the complexity of her inner conflicts. "Horseshoe" evokes this melancholy world, one that crumbles beneath our feet and yet we often cross. Every time tears come to us in a crowded club; or the way home is drawn between awareness and self destruction; or nostalgia devours the time we spend in our bedroom. Her songs act as an invitation to cherish these fragile spaces, ones where shadows, debris and quivers collect in our deeper sense of self.

Soft Cou is the music moniker of the producer & singer Courtney Herrenberg. Responsible for half of the Sydney based electronic / rock influenced duo Fumiko, she is now debuting with her solo project, where she mixes experimental glitch beats together with pitch dark trip hop moments and spoken word. Her work entertwines manipulation of samples with precise synth crafting, while her vocal approach could be reminiscent of artists such as Inga Copeland, AGF and Beth Gibbons.

"Horseshoe", her vibrant debut album, is out now under Italian label Presto!?. In the past year, Soft Cou has played in Osaka at Circus, in Mexico City at Yuyu, and she's just back from a memorable Italian Tour with James Ferraro. 

“Soft Touch Of Lust”